Stop Sex Selection
Pre-conception Sex Selection & Pre-natal Sex Determination is a Criminal Offence. Every offence under the PC&PNDT Act 1994 is Cognizable, Non-Bailable & Non-Compoundable.
Salient Features of PC&PNDT Act
- Prohibits sex selection before & after conception.
- Prohibits advertisement related to determination and selection of sex of foetus, even through internet.
- Mandatory registration for facilities providing diagnostic services capable of determination of sex.
- MAINTENANCE and PRESERVATION of records, include “Form F” is mandatory for all facilities.
- There is no punishment and fine for the women who are compelled to undergo sex selection.
Provision of Imprisonment and Financial Penalties under the Act
- Up to 3 years of imprisonment with fine up to Rs. 10000/- for doctors / owners of clinics for the first offence and cancellation of medical registration of doctor for 5 years for subsequent offence.
- Up to 3 years of imprisonment and up to Rs. 50000/- fine for husband / family member or any other person abetting sex selections.
- Up to 3 years of imprisonment with fine up to Rs. 10000/- for any advertisement regarding sex selection.